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During this interview you will learn:

  • What is the Order of the Bards, Ovates and Druids and what does your role as Chosen Chief involve?

  • How did modern Druidry come about?

  • What is the difference between a Bard, an Ovate and a Druid?

  • What is Druidry’s relationship with the earth, with nature?

  • Can anyone become a Druid?


About Eimear Burke

Eimear is the Chosen Chief of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD) and lives in Kilkenny, Ireland. Eimear has a private practice where she is a Counselling Psychologist and her interests in Druidry and psychology have led her to act as a celebrant, helping people to design and enact meaningful rites of passage. She is licensed to perform legal weddings in the Republic of Ireland and can also offer non legal ceremonies.

Eimear has a deep love of the ancient Irish tales and has a passion for storytelling. She brings the old tales to new audiences, and - while remaining faithful to the stories - often examines them from new perspectives.  This enables listeners to experience these stories as fresh and relevant. Eimear also enjoys showing people the sacred sites of Ireland and telling the ancient tales right where they happened.


Further to being the Chosen Chief of OBOD, Eimear is also a Priestess dedicated to Danú in the Fellowship of Isis. She is an Arch Druidess in the Druid Clan of Dana and a member of the Noble Order of Tara.


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