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During this interview you will learn:

  • What is Ho’oponopono?

  • Why is it different from what most people know Ho’oponopono as?

  • How can it be used as a path to find and re-awaken the Sacred Self?


James Kawainui is a native Hawaiian healer, mentor and teacher with family roots going back over 20 generations in Hawaii where his family are the "shaman" of his culture. It is this ancient wisdom that James brings into the work he does with people from all over the world.

His awakening came over 20 years ago when he heard his Kūpuna (ancestors) for the first time. "It's time to go home," they said.  This resulted in James walking away from a successful corporate career in a multimillion dollar company and moving back to Hawaii.

James’ expertise is healing people identify and eliminate the causes of trauma and pain on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels. He also works with people to overcome chronic stress and the effects of PTSD.

“As a Native Hawaiian Healer, I’ve learned to use the connection with my ancestors to see beyond the physical and cognitive realms. It helps me see a person’s issue on a multidimensional level and come up with solutions that can be outside of conventional therapies.”

James’s Free Gift to You:

“Come back into balance through Ho'ponopono and Self-Love Meditation”

to claim this free gift!

James is also an award-winning author and inspirational speaker and has developed a comprehensive mentoring program for qualified individuals.


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